Sock Aid

$17.00 excl. tax

To put on socks without reaching your feet.


To put on socks without reaching your feet.

Works with regular socks or compression anklets.


Some of our patients like to wear regular socks over the compression socks for warmth, padding or to protect the more expensive compression stockings. This device works great for socks. We also use it with the compression anklet that comes with the Juzo wrap.

If you have difficulties bending at the hip or back to reach your feet, this is it for putting on socks independently.


  • Low price, basic sock aid.
  • Easy to learn to use.
  • Works if it is difficult to reach your feet.


  • The plastic is not strong enough for most knee high or thigh high compression garments. It will bend, making it impossible to push the foot through. For compression garments we recommend the Ezy As with Handle attachment.

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Who can refer patients to our therapy center:

Physician | Oncologist | Vascular Surgeon | Case Manager | Nurse & Physician's Assistant | Podiatrist